Thursday, February 5, 2009

2009 Resolutions - Update 1 month in

Now that it’s February, it seems like a good time for a status update on my 2009 Resolutions.

1. Change to a new doctor and dentist – no progress yet. I contacted the doctor I’d gotten rave reviews about but he’s not accepting new patients. I definitely need a new one, since my current PCP doesn’t have any open appointments until August! Dentist – I still need to make an appointment, but I won’t need another check up until March so I still have a few weeks.

2. Visit a new city – no trips made yet, but plans are in the works for an April trip to Washington DC and a May trip to Atlanta. Wah-hoo! I’d also love to make it out of the country sometime in the Fall.

3. Remember to send birthday cards for immediate family + aunts and uncles. (total of 17 to remember.) – No cards sent. This has turned into a resolution to set up a gmail calendar so I can have access to it everywhere and sync my phone to it. Haven’t gotten around to it yet though.

4. Visit vocal therapist -- need to visit doctor first to get a referral.

5. Increase payments on student loans – nope.

6. Start regular contribution to new savings account for house/condo/whatever someday – YES!! Finally a resolution I’ve followed through on. $50 a week has been earmarked for a house/condo/whatever someday.

7. Complete the final The Artists Way book – haven’t started the book yet, but I have gotten back into my morning pages and walks outdoors.

8. Learn to knit – Sort of done this one. I picked up a couple Knifty Knitter looms and made a hat and a scarf. Pretty impressive for me, actually.

9. Take beginning Greek 2 class – hasn’t started yet.

10. Finish draft of book – oof. Not even another word written since January 1.

11. Write and post 100 blogposts in 2009 – 15/100 completed.

Ok, so not so much progress made on the resolutions yet, but we’re only a month into the year. Hopefully February will be a little more productive.


Julia Rios said...
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Anonymous said...

That's a lot of progress! A hat and a scarf! I am impressed. I tried to learn to knit by making a scarf in December of 2007 and I never finished. Also, you're way ahead on the blog posts, and you're saving money. Those are both great!